At long last, my very busy 12- hour shift at the Emergency Room is finally over! The night shift staff walked in and I’m ready to give my report, turn over my patients, and head out the door. Typically, I would just endorse my patients to a nurse or a paramedic assigned to my patients, but for some reason, the night shift staff, that comprised of three nurses and two EMT-Paramedics, unanimously decided that night that I give my report to all of them, instead to just one since they reasoned out that they will all be taking care of the patients anyway. I agreed and I didn’t oppose at all. Naturally, I would document my last entry into the computer charting. I typed in: “Report about the patient given to the incoming shift, (and I enumerated all their names: Mary S, Christine O, John B, Beth C and Melissa A---not their real names of course, for privacy purposes). And then I left. The next morning, I was back to work. While walking towards the ER entrance door, I could see from outside that the chaos and busyness in the ER have subsided and the night shift staff were sitting comfortably at the nurse station. As I entered, I noticed in their faces a different aura of anticipation to my arrival and a sense of amusement in their smiles, with funny stares that followed me all the way to the next room where our lockers were located. Taped up to my locker door was a piece of paper of my narrative report that I typed in from the previous night which they highlighted in yellow that read: “Report about the patient given to the incoming shit (Mary S, Christine O, John B, Beth C and Melissa A).” Darn it! I inadvertently omitted the letter F in the word
SHIFT, and you know what the outcome was! And we all burst into laughter!
ha! ha ! ha!
Too Funny!!
I remember this incident as I was the Unit Secretary during the day time. Mags is a twelve hour girl who was in bed by ten usually. I know this because I called her several times and she was either reading or asleep. I am sure we all had a great laugh but you were embarrassed non the less.Because you knew the entire hospital was going to be reading this report.
LOL Love
Thanks, Michelle. The night shift staff were all very understanding and they easily left me off the hook. I guess, I gave them a small favor to laugh a little to get way from all the chaos! Hello to pineyspacer! Michelle, just in case you don't know, pineyspacer is Carl!
Wow! How wonderful to have such understanding co-workers.
Yes indeed! They didn't make a big fuss out of it. Was quite a group. Thanks for your comment, by the way.
Hi Carl,
How are you and your little family doing?
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